Blue Lock

Blue Lock (ブルーロック, Burū Rokku) is a shounen sports manga written by Muneyuki Kaneshiro and illustrated by Yuusuke Nomura. It is serialized in Weekly Shounen Magazine.

Blue Lock follows the story of Yoichi Isagi,who is invited to a mysterious training program to discover and cultivate “the worlds’ greatest egotist striker.” Taking its inspiration from the very real weaknesses of the Japanese national soccer team, Blue Lock turns the beautiful game into a battle royale by pitting 300 strikers against each other.

isagi yoichi profile


isagi yoichi

age: 17
birthdate: april 1
gender: male
hair color: dark blue
eye color: blue
height: 175 cm

+ position:
forward, offensive midfielder



fave animal: lobster
hometown: saitama
fave color: light blue

+ he started playing soccer at the age of 4
+ his nickname is best boy! ^^